One of 29 Pieces’ primary focuses in 2020 was the design, production, and installation of art for six public parks located on six Dallas ISD elementary school campuses – a project in partnership with the Trust for Public Land as part of their mission to make greenspace available within a 10 minute walk for all Dallas citizens. This opportunity availed 29 Pieces the opportunity to engage teachers, students and administrators at each of the campuses in our THRIVE lesson, a lesson inviting the imagination of a “garden of peace.” Students’ art offered a template of motifs that professional artists drew upon in designing a large custom mural for each school. Participating Dallas ISD Elementary schools included: Frank Guzick and John Ireland (Southeast); Arturo Salazar (South); Sam Houston (Central); Reinhardt (Northeast); David G. Burnet (Northwest). Amidst the distancing required of us during a pandemic, we were pleased to have the opportunity to work with individual schools in conducting the THRIVE lesson – and to involve so many students in using their imagination to explore the natural world!