If you find that your students are affected by polarization around immigration and nationalism, use our RESPECT or LOVE lesson to highlight the respect and compassion that all people deserve. Or, use our SANCTUARY lesson to help students feel secure in a place they know they are safe. You can even use our GREAT PEACEMAKERS lesson to inspire your students with examples of leaders who have brought people together in similar situations. Select from these supplemental resources here.
Students are under tremendous pressure from multiple sources. Use our HOPE lesson to empower students develop actionable plans to attain their desired future. Or use our SANCTUARY lesson if your students need to remind themselves of places they can go to feel safe and supported. Find additional resources to use with these lessons here.
Students are the most powerful voices right now when it comes to calling for earth care. Give a boost to their own sense of power by approaching this topic through our THRIVE lesson. Or help them to articulate the reasons we need to address climate change by using our RESPECT or LOVE lesson. More resources you can utilize are found here.
Educating for racial and religious tolerance can be among the most powerful lessons you can give your students. Use our GREAT PEACEMAKERS lesson to talk about historic examples of leaders who have helped us remember our common humanity. Or use our RESPECT or LOVE lessons to give students a chance to express their own call or manifesto for racial and religious acceptance. Find helpful supplemental resources here.
We live in a time of perpetual war in the form of the constant threat of terrorism. Our students need to know that they have the power to lead us to peace. Use our GREAT PEACEMAKERS lesson to talk about how there is a GREAT PEACEMAKER in all of us, if we follow the examples of great leaders of the past. Find helpful supplemental resources here.
Skill in the arts of civility is a heroic asset in a time when bullying is all too prevalent. Help your students know the rewards of the practice of neighborly kindness. Use the RESPECT lesson to help facilitate discussion around the “why” and “how” of civility. Or use our COMMITMENT lesson to give students a chance to think of a practice they can adopt to promote civility in their context. Find helpful supplemental resources here.
Gender and sexual difference is a great factor in why so many students begin to lose self-confidence as they approach their teen years. Use our HEROES & HEROINES lesson as a way to help students claim their confidence by looking to how others reflect their own potential for greatness. Or use our LOVE lesson as an opportunity for students to express some self-love. Additional resources you can utilize are found here.
Are your students inspired or confused by movements surrounding just policing and incarceration in American communities? Use our RESPECT lesson to help students talk about why #blacklivesmatter and why all lives matter. Or, approach this topic through our COMMITMENT lesson, which asks students to commit to one action they can do to make their communities peaceful. Find helpful supplemental resources here.