29 Pieces and the South Dallas Cultural Center brought a team of 12 African-American middle and high school students from Southeast Dallas neighborhoods together with six local artists including Darryl Ratcliff, Vicki Meek, Diana Chase, Joe Stokes, Constance White, and Karen Blessen to produce the human-scale glass sculpture that is “Piece 10: Souls Hidden.” This piece takes inspiration from Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook’s poem, “Radiant is the World Soul.”
In conceptualizing this sculpture, students contemplated the cultural legacies of Harlem Renaissance artists and South Dallas Cultural Center luminaries – how their souls may be hidden, but their vitality among us remains very much alive. Their interpretation shines through the colorful patterns in the glass, representing the individuality of each soul. The translucence of the glass, reflecting and channeling light, infuses the sculpture with ethereality.